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Kansas still offers free space, incredibly low-cost houses, and offers on lots presently. The seven rural Kansas municipalities that first began giving out free lots also emphasized the benefits of residing in a rural setting. For Americans, the possibility of owning or living on miles of land is becoming increasingly rare. But for those who choose, Kansas has lots of cheap farmlands.

Little Kansas communities have been handing out free farmland, plots, and affordable troubleshooting to immigrants in recent years. 

Kansas began giving away land

Six small municipalities in rural Kansas began granting newcomers free land in 2018. Marquette, Hamburg, Lincoln, Plainville, Osborne, and Williams were among these Kansas cities. The majority of these communities are in Center or North Central Kansas, and each has a census of little more than 1,860. In terms of the actual property, the 2018 purchase was mostly centered on lots.

Around 1902, inhabitants had been dropping in the majority of Kansas’ rural districts, leaving residents with two options: battle or perish. For the suitable sector, Republic County offers free land options, and there are free housing plots accessible across its neighborhoods for the establishment of innovative homes.

Also, with the modernization of the world, companies may today operate virtually everywhere.

The several galleries in Lincoln, notably Crispin’s Drug Store Museum, which honors the heyday of small-town pharmacy, are a big draw. One of Kansas’s major oil fields is located north of Plainville, wherein oil output plays a significant role in the local economy. And Osborne provides a wealth of outdoor pursuits, such as trekking, swimming, and shooting, for people from all backgrounds of life.


Numerous important businesses are present in this community in northwest Kansas, such as oil and gas production, agribusiness, truck trailer manufacturing, medical, and furniture making. The town of Plainville is now giving away acres for the emergence of future residences. Currently, one construction lot still seems to be accessible in the Northern Extension on a first-come, first-served approach. In the west Plainville neighborhood encompassed by Colorado, Wyoming, second, and third roads, more properties nowadays are accessible.

The Advantages of Relocating to Kansas

Several employees have utilized the previous 2 years to re-evaluate what they are seeking and desire next with life as the COVID-19 epidemic starts to scale back. Many people have switched to working entirely remotely, which allows them to travel freely anywhere in the nation.

Additionally, there’s been a growing understanding that living in a large urban area is not all that unlike living in a suburb or country location. Land may be less accessible or more expensive elsewhere. You may find acres for a fair price as there isn’t much demand to acquire a small quantity of property.

The freedom to go at one’s leisure would be another appealing feature of residing here. Relative to other, busier areas, there is less competitive pressure for company ideas. It creates opportunities for you to thrive over something that suits you and live economically because of Kansas’ low price of products and services. Many failing Midwest towns believe that if small-town beauty isn’t sufficient to draw fresh individuals, then perhaps dollars would.

Perks offered to move to Kansas

If you construct a home, you can receive free land, and if you register your kids in the district’s schools, you can receive cash.

With varying levels of success, such perks have become increasingly widespread throughout the Midwest to stop numerous generations from leaving rural communities. The pandemic’s mass deportation of the workforce gave them even more traction. Rural regions, however, have become more assertive about the benefits they provide over city living.


For relocating to the state capital of Kansas for working remotely or for specific businesses, Topeka will pay you up to $16,000.

A scoop of ice cream costs $1.10, manicures start at $11, and the property is free in Marquette, Kansas.

Compared to desserts or manicures, the land generates considerably less attention.

Another of a few economically distressed municipalities in northern Kansas handing out free land to someone willing to construct a home in Marquette.

However, unlike in the late nineteenth century, when European immigrants flocked to the Midwest to claim their free 170 hectares of agricultural land, constructing residences out of sod to demonstrate they had positively contributed, some tiny communities in Kansas are now having difficulty even throwing free lots for dwellings.

Several causes behind having difficulty even throwing free lots for dwellings

Residents were unable to leave metropolitan regions owing to the 2009 recession, which coincided with the real estate meltdown. Most folks lack the financial means to construct a home on the free property.

Recent increases in petrol costs have been difficult for those living in small towns who frequently require travel great distances to work and, occasionally, even just to purchase groceries.


For individuals prepared to relocate to tiny towns with space for many more inhabitants and a demand for more people, localities around the area offer money and lots of land. 

Urban emigrants do have the unique advantage of gaining free property, even though it’s agricultural land, and live an inexpensive livelihood in the center of America while the housing policy scarcity persists and city living costs rise.