The Dragon Ball franchise began as a manga created by Akira Toriyama in 1984. The story was mainly inspired by Journey to the West, a Chinese novel. Toriyama’s story features Goku, a monkey-tailed boy with supernatural strength, on a quest for the dragon balls. Legend says that when all seven dragon balls are gathered a single wish can be granted. Along the way Goku confronts evil, makes friends, and becomes the world’s best martial artist.

As the series gained popularity, the narrative changed in tone as Goku is well into adulthood. At this point, Dragon Ball Z, involves the heroes meeting dangers from space, home, and more. Dragon Ball Z gained worldwide popularity for both the anime and the manga.

With the franchise’s popularity, video games were created as well. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is the newest title to be seen on consoles. The game allows players to experience the Dragon Ball Z narrative in a new way. Along with their created hero, they’ll be able to aid allies in battle and protect history’s natural order. Players will also be able to be trained by the likes of Vegeta, Goku, and more.

Much like series, a player will be able to grow and unlock more powerful forms for battle. The game will also include music from Steve Aoki as well.

Fans of fighting games, RPGs, and Dragon Ball can look forward to Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 in October.