An image of the full lineup for the abandoned Justice League: Mortal has finally been released, showing how the George Miller film would have adapted the iconic team. Though the current superhero craze has led to dozens of characters and comics making the jump to the big and small screen, that wasn’t always the case. Abandoned comic book movies and TV shows littered the ’90s and ’00s, which could have seen heroes like the Justice League arrive on the big screen long before last year’s film.

Along with Superman Lives, Justice League: Mortal is probably one of the most well-known superhero films never to be made. Directed by Mad Max: Fury Road helmer George Miller, the movie was well into pre-production and even had a cast lined up. Those characters even had costumes made, and we heard a bit about what Armie Hammer thought of the Justice League film lately. All told, it would have been an interesting project that never saw the light of day. But now, we have our glimpse at what could have been.

DC Films Hub (via CBR) got their hands on an image of the full Justice League: Mortal lineup. Though the image is extremely low quality, we can still get an idea of how faithful Miller’s take on the comic book characters would have been. Sadly, it’s difficult to make out the details or actors (though the site claims only Megan Gale appears as her character in the photo, with stand-ins filling out the rest of the team), but it’s hard to deny how exciting it is to finally see a look at the abandoned film.

Click The Link To See the Justice League: Mortal Image

What’s striking is just how much the characters mirror the comics. Superhero movies usually take liberties from page to screen, but The Flash, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern all look remarkably similar to their counterparts. Aquaman, meanwhile, seems to have his hook/knife hand from one era of the comics, though he’s missing the longer hair and beard that version had. Batman seems to be the most embellished, though his changing suits and gadgets don’t make that a surprise.

Superman is mostly pulled from the page, though his red trunks and boots are missing. Of course, yesterday we saw D.J. Cotrona as Superman in the first high-quality image from the film. That gave us a good look at the new design of the costume, which still worked in classic elements and even gave the actor Superman’s signature hair curl. With any luck, better versions of each character will soon make their way online and fans will finally get a good idea of how Justice League: Mortal would have looked.

MORE: Armie Hammer Reveals He Stole Justice League: Mortal Script

Source: DC Films Hub (via CBR)