There’s no denying that the upcoming Justice League movie will be the point at which those unimpressed with the DC Extended Universe installments to-date decide whether or not the franchise is worth sticking with. Bringing together Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg along with a slew of other recognizable characters and familiar faces, Zack Snyder sits back in the director’s chair for his final DCEU outing as director for at least the next few years (unless a fan petition works its magic).

DC fans are waiting with baited breath to see exactly what the crew behind the movie make of the team. In a revealing new chat, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice assistant director Damon Caro (who is also working on Justice League) shed a little light on what we can expect when Justice League comes around this November.

Speaking to Heroic Hollywood in the new interview, Caro revealed the following with regard to Snyder’s larger plan for Justice League:

[The] interesting thing is, on Man of Steel, in [Zack Snyder’s] head he had the storyline treatment of where they were going to go, and at the beginning of BvS it was even richer and deeper. The arc was BvS was the midway point and the darker movie. Hence what happens at the end; the whole tone of it was darker. If you play your story all at one level, there are no peaks and valleys, there’s no life. The great stories, the Greek tragedies, even life we have to be knocked down before we can build our way up. Justice League was always the rebirth of hope and the rise. People try to say that it’s a response to the backlash, and I’d definitely say that criticisms were heard, but it’s not like we threw everything out and started with a blank slate. It’s a bit like Star Wars. EmpireStrikes Back? Dark movie! But then Return of the Jedi is the rise and the rebuilding of hope.

It’s true that Man Of Steel, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad have all been incredibly divisive when it comes to critics and fans, so hearing Caro’s comments could certainly hint that a huge step in the right direction has been made to ensure a much-needed dose of positivity is making its way to the DCEU. As the old saying goes however, actions speak louder than words. Only when Justice League hits the big screen will the decisions be made by critics and fans alike as to whether this is a move in the right direction for the franchise.

This news however, is a bit of a catch 22. For those who rebutted the majority of reviews by film critics, it could be a slap in the face following their loyalty to the tone and direction the DCEU movies have taken to-date. Finding what the universe has presented to-date as an enjoyable and a great service to comic book fans, they could end up on the other side of the spectrum if too much is changed.

Source: Heroic Hollywood

  • Justice League Release Date: 2017-11-17 wonder woman Release Date: 2017-06-02 Aquaman Release Date: 2018-12-21 Shazam! Release Date: 2019-04-05