“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn

’t stop to think if they should!” In the original Jurassic Park, Dr. Ian Malcolm (played by Jeff Goldblum) revealed the core choice at play in the creation of life. The film’s science may have taken a few liberties, but the moral decisions it discusses are real. As mankind has become more proficient toying with the genes that build all known life, new discussions have come to the forefront. This is one of many reasons that Jurassic Park stands out as a landmark film. It stood as a modern cautionary tale at the forefront of a new technical era in human history.

Naturally, watching man create dinosaur then dinosaur eat man also makes for a great popcorn-chomping time. This brings us all the way to last year’s Jurassic World, whose Box Office dominance made it the fourth highest earning film of all time.

ComingSoon.net recently talked to director J.A. Bayona (A Monster Calls) about whether his upcoming Jurassic World 2 would share the “pseudo-political” subtext that the series is known for:

“Yeah… I think there’s a lot of that in the new Jurassic. I think there’s a lot of possessiveness towards our creations. I think it’s very interesting where the new movie is heading. It’s so different from the other films, it talks a lot about the moment we live in right now. It’s darker… but at the same time, it’s going to be a lot of fun. It’s a blockbuster, you have Chris Pratt, it’s a great adventure, but it’s very interesting the way the film is darker than the other ones.”

Bayona is certainly saying all the things one hopes to hear about a sequel - that it will respect the things that made the original good, but will also take the franchise in new and interesting thematic directions. With any luck, this next chapter will capture even more of what made the original such an unforgettable classic.

“You need to adapt, you need to know where you are. Jurassic is going to be very different from A Monster Calls or The Orphanage, but they called me because they loved The Orphanage and The Impossible and they wanted me to be leading the new Jurassic. I think you’re going to find some stuff that will remind you of my movies. At the same time, I’m very aware that this is Steven [Spielberg]’s baby and I’m going to take care of his baby as much as possible, knowing where I am all the time.”

What do you hope to see more of in the new Jurassic film? Let us know in the comments section, and stay tuned to Screen Rant for updates on the upcoming sequel as they hit.

Source: ComingSoon.net

  • Jurassic World 2 Release Date: 2018-06-22