Reboots, reboots, and more reboots. It seems original ideas are few and far between these days, with audiences and producers grappling at the opportunity to capitalize on nostalgia. Full House, Gilmore Girls and now Will and Grace are old hits that have just gotten resurrected. And while the idea of revisiting old loves is exciting, the reality is a little different.

The reboots have gotten mixed reviews, leaving audiences almost satisfied. Though, it’s difficult to really pinpoint what seems off. After all, if the show worked once, why wouldn’t it work again?

If anyone is expected to bring their shows back, it’s the cult classics that hit TV in the 90s and early 2000s and were gone with a blink of an eye. Whedon’s own Firefly and My-So-Called-Life were victims of this unfortunate end, and fans have been trying to bring the shows back ever since. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter he said:

However, Whedon conceded that it is not always the best choice to bring back a beloved series from the past. He went on to say:

“The sudden ending of My So-Called Life is only slightly less painful than the sudden ending of Firefly for me. I understand that feeling of, ‘We love this, and we can have it.’ I was pitching a fan-funded Firefly to my agent before that was a concept.”

“You bring something back, and even if it’s exactly as good as it was, the experience can’t be. You’ve already experienced it, and part of what was great was going through it for the first time. You have to meet expectations and adjust it for the climate, which is not easy. Luckily most of my actors still look wonderful, but I’m not worried about them being creaky. I’m more worried about me being creaky as a storyteller. You don’t want that feeling that you should have left before the encore. I don’t rule it out, but I fear that.”

Source: The Hollywood Reporter