Return Policy

If the product you purchased from Joss & Main does not meet your expectations, Joss & Main apply a standard 30-day return policy and you have the opportunity to return your electronic purchases up to 30 days from the date of purchase. However, you should note that any returns you make or intend to make should be returned in their original situation and with the original packaging. Generally, most items are allowed to be returned, while some items are not. Clearance items, personalize items, special orders, gift cards, bundled items at discounted rates, items you have already assembled and items marked “Non-Returnable” on the sale page can not be returned. Also, in most cases, the customer pays for return shipping.

Returns By Mail

As Joss & Main is an online seller, it does not offer the option to return an unwanted product in person. This can be seen as Joss & Main’s biggest shortcoming for customers. For this reason, you must initiate your return request online. First you should login to Joss & Main website and login to your Account. Next, go to my orders section and find the product you wish to return. Select Return product and print the shipping label that Joss & Main sent you. Then put the product you want to return in its original packaging and fixate the shipping label on it. Finally, you must drop the product off at a FedEx location. note that if you are not shipping a damaged item from Joss & Main you will be required to pay shipping label and delivery charges.

Some Exceptions

As a customer, you have a 30-day period to return most products, but there are some exceptions. For example, beds have a 100-day return period and wedding items must be returned within 90 days of purchase. In addition, the return period for products purchased during the Christmas sale, which runs from November 1 to December 31, is extended until January 31. Customers sometimes do not notice such exceptions, but if you are going to return such products, you should know them.

Refund Stage At The End Of Return Process

Joss & Main will first evaluate the product you return for quality, after the product is evaluated for quality, they will begin to process your return and you will receive a confirmation via e-mail. You should also know that you will receive your refund based on whatever your original payment method was. It may take up to 2 weeks on average for Joss & Main to send you your refund depending on your payment method. Furthermore, when we look carefully at the repayment types, we can say that your refund can be processed in 3 days with Credit card, instantly for Cash, and in 1 day for Gift Card.


As a result, Joss & Main offers a return policy for its customers who want to return their product. This return policy has a limit of 30 days in general, and by providing it, a refund can be obtained. However, there are some exceptions to this. Furthermore, in person returns are not available under this retail umbrella. Returns are processed only via e-mail. In addition, unless there is a problem caused by Joss & Main, the shipping fee is borne by the consumer.

Freqruently Asked Questions

Q: How can I contact Joss & Main customer service?

If you want to call, you can reach the company free of charge at (877)-688-7678.

Q: Can I change my refund method?

Yes, unlike many retailers, Joss & Main provides such an opportunity for their customers. It is possible to change your refund method using the “Change My Refund Method” tool via the My Orders page only before returning your product.

Q: What if I receive a defective product?

Notify Joss & Main within 48 hours of delivery and they will issue you a full refund.

Q: Will shipping and delivery charges be covered?

Shipping and delivery charges are only covered if the return is due to an error by Joss & Main. However, in other cases other than this, there is no such thing as meeting any delivery charges.